May Reasons for people to carry a wallet filled with different credit cards. You know, credit cards are way better than carrying money, jut imagine if there are no credit cards at all how would people's pockets look like ? particularly how would people's arses who put their wallets in the back pocket would look like !!
Back to the reasons behind having more than one credit card. Reasons might be:
* Some people like me are addicted to shopping from everywhere, stores nearby or even from Internet. So to avoid sending money by post and waiting zillion days for your shopping to come home it's easier for them to pay through the credit card, seconds of waiting time and bingo.
* Some people fear carrying money because of the crimes related to wallets robbery. If a thief is willing to steal my wallet for the credit cards it might have then I say go for it. You can easily call your bank and stop all the credit cards in a moment, but you can't call the bank to stop the money of being used, can you ?
* Others love to show off. Seriously, I once met this guy who while we were talking he opened his wallet to show me how many credit cards he got !!!
* One of the main reasons of having many credit cards is to separate powder quotes. What powder ? Heroin and Cocaine. Yes you read that. I once woke up in the morning and entered the toilet to find out that there is a credit card next to the mirror. This card was washed and it was badly used from one side only. I grabbed this card and looked at it closely and here we go, inside the tint numbers and letters from back of the card there was powder. I am not expert with this kind of powder nor even tried it before, however I knew it was the "Misery" powder. What else could it be ? I don't think the guy was using it to open a baby powder bottle, or even to make bread from scratch.
I might discover other reasons of carrying credit cards in the future, until then I will take my credit cards and go for shopping.
Back to the reasons behind having more than one credit card. Reasons might be:
* Some people like me are addicted to shopping from everywhere, stores nearby or even from Internet. So to avoid sending money by post and waiting zillion days for your shopping to come home it's easier for them to pay through the credit card, seconds of waiting time and bingo.
* Some people fear carrying money because of the crimes related to wallets robbery. If a thief is willing to steal my wallet for the credit cards it might have then I say go for it. You can easily call your bank and stop all the credit cards in a moment, but you can't call the bank to stop the money of being used, can you ?
* Others love to show off. Seriously, I once met this guy who while we were talking he opened his wallet to show me how many credit cards he got !!!
* One of the main reasons of having many credit cards is to separate powder quotes. What powder ? Heroin and Cocaine. Yes you read that. I once woke up in the morning and entered the toilet to find out that there is a credit card next to the mirror. This card was washed and it was badly used from one side only. I grabbed this card and looked at it closely and here we go, inside the tint numbers and letters from back of the card there was powder. I am not expert with this kind of powder nor even tried it before, however I knew it was the "Misery" powder. What else could it be ? I don't think the guy was using it to open a baby powder bottle, or even to make bread from scratch.
I might discover other reasons of carrying credit cards in the future, until then I will take my credit cards and go for shopping.
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